Protest Price Fixing in Pet Shipping

Mar 6, 2020

Owner Jerry Mishler has more than 50 years of experience in the pet shipping business. He has seen what has been happening over the years. He says IPATA is trying to take over pet shipping by making it a requirement that people only do business with members of this association. This illegal action is in direct opposition to Federal Trade Commission rules.

A move in this direction came recently from Delta Air Lines. The company is no longer allowing pets as excess baggage, rather they must be counted as cargo. Another Delta requirement is that only IPATA members can book flights for international pet shipping. IPATA is working to get rid of the competition – independent shippers who charge far less for the same service.

Jerry urges you to contact the FTC and protest this price fixing. He finds that Air France and KLM Royal Dutch Airlines and United are in on this, too, as they are IPATA members who accept only bookings from other IPATA members.

The basic problem comes down to pricing. IPATA and other third-party pet shippers charge far more than independent companies, such as Action Pet Express, a difference that counts in the hundreds and thousands of dollars. He wants people to have the freedom to choose a company that charges honest rates for pet shipping service.