I cannot express how happy I am with Pet Action Express and the owner, Jerry! He was thousands cheaper than any other company, thorough and straightforward. He helped us move our dog from DC to Stuttgart, Germany and made us so much more comfortable. We flew through United Airlines, and they are no longer allowing dogs to travel in cargo due to Covid. Jerry found an affordable flight for our dog, gave us information about the best place for her to fly in to, helped us know exactly what to have ready, and CC’d me on his communication with the airline, so I knew what I was paying for and what I was giving him. He met us at the airport and handled the paperwork and stickers for us. Our pup landed in Frankfurt, we had a friend pick her up for us, and she was in perfect condition. It was terrifying being on a different flight from her but it all worked out great!
I highly recommend his services, he’s a good man and saved our butts!
Jasmine Kasch – January 2022