I wish there were some way to covey our appreciation to you and your fine organization!! I will do ALL I can do to get my fellow military families to get to your website.
In March we had to get our two large dogs to Germany. ALL of the local pet shippers in the San Francisco Bay area showed NO mercy and their quotes were out of this world! Thankfully we came across your site. We ended up shipping to you and you further shipped on Lufthansa to Munich. We understand that you can not book on Lufthansa at SFO, ONLY at Dulles. This way also gave our dogs a nice travel break. All in all, this saved us over $2000 over the lowest quote at SFO… I might add that the three pet shippers who finally returned our calls should be stripped of their permits to be in business.. So late and rude! And such lack of knowledge!! The fourth firm in Oakland just never bothered to get back to me.
Thank you, AGAIN
Glen Parsons, Major U.S. Army, Germany
24 May 2015